Today I don't feel like writing a lot as I don't feel very well..
Yesterday I got a huge cold and it's been for 2 days I have been trying to breath but it's almost a mission impossible.. I have been eating oranges, lemons, whatever fruit to increase vitamin C but I guess I will take the cold with me back home on Easter..what a bother!
Yesterday we had a meeting with Danijela regarding our on-arrival training in Sarajevo! we are leaving on Monday afternoon to be there almost at 10 pm..
She explained to us what kind of activities we will do probably, gave us some useful tips to be safer when we go around the city on our own and some interesting suggestions about where to have some meals..very delicious meals!!
We are very excited as everybody can imagine, but I really hope to get well by Monday cuz it's horrible to have to work or travel when you feel your head and your eyes being so heavy..:-(
Anyway..other nice things we got to know yesterday are our future challanges!!! If everything is going to be fine we will go to Macedonia, Albania and (maybe) Serbia for some trainings in order to represent the CnC and of course to broaden our knowledge about YiA Programme (other topics, workshops, discussion groups!!).
I hope there will be the chance for the three of us to go at least to two of those trainings as I had a great time at the CMS last week.
As I wrote in my posts I have learnt lots of interesting things only in 5 days and I cannot wait to repeat this wonderful experience!
Now I think I will have some rest..I have to save my energies for this afternoon and tonight..first we are having our Croatian class with Luka and we are going to do a sort of "test" to check our improvements in Croatian!! and second the Smoking presentation based on the research we did some weeks it's going to be a busy evening!!
venerdì 29 febbraio 2008
mercoledì 27 febbraio 2008
Back to work
Here we are, back to work all of us!
But just for a few days, actually for this last three days of the week week we will be in Sarajevo!!!
Yes my dears! We were supposed to go to the on-arrival training for EVS volunteers to Belgrade but, due to the Serbian demonstrations against ambassies and public places because of Kosovo's declaration of independence, SALTO, which coordinates this programme in the Balkans, moved it to Sarajevo.
I was very happy when Madara informed us we got an email about that! Although I was really looking forward for going to Belgrade I am definitely eager for the on-arrival t. to be in Sarajevo as it was in the list of my top destinations in the Balkans.
So now we must finish our job with the smoking research, as we left it aside because of the CMS, and then we will be ready to go!!!
I thought Sarajevo was nearer to Osijek, but I was wrong..we will spend almost 7 hours on the train to reach the heart of BiH. But never mind..we are three funny girls, full of ideas to entertain ourselves..ihihi!! For instance we found out a way to have big belly laughes!!
Well, I feel quite embarassed to talk about that..but..I really do think it's an interesting and incisive example to let people understand how nice is to share daily moments with foreign peers! and how useful it is!!
It started during the CMS, actually during our "siesta" after lunch..we usually laid on Danijela's bed (as I have already told you..;-) and as we didn't have enough time to sleep we just had a rest..and how horrible is to lay down, doing nothing and being aware that you cannot fall asleep because in 15-30 minutes you have to go?! very much! but the "Charlie's Angels" of Osijek (sometimes we use this stupid nickname for us!) knew how to enjoy that time: speaking to each other in our own mother tongue!!
Believe me people that it's really funny! We spoke with the right intonation and even if we coudn't understand each other (cuz, of course, we don't know Latvian, German and Italian at the same time!) it seemed we were talking properly!! and sometimes we could catch some words and understand what we were talking about..
By the way, we really burst into a big big laugh and when Damjan came in the room he really wanted to know "what we ate for lunch" cuz we were having so much fun!!
Hence..I am not worried for 7 hours on the train with my dear housemates-colleagues-adventures fellows!!!
Ok, let's turn to something more serious..
Last night we had a meeting with Danijela, Damjan and all the people who participated to the CMS from the CnC. Danijela wanted each of us to say what he/she would change and improve both on a personal level and on a group level.
I thought it was an interesting and useful idea cuz assessing an experience, as soon as it's done, helps anyone to find mistakes and avoid them next time!
The meeting went fine all in all, even though I think that some people took too seriously some advice or suggestions others gave them..
I personally think that the seminar has gone really really fine, I have no doubt in giving a totally positive evaluation of that so I also think it was wrong to concentrate ourselves on the negative aspects.
Why am I saying that? Well, mainly because it's true that it's useful to analyze the faults but as soon as people lose the main point, or the main aim, of the analysis it's better to suspend the discussions.
I was a bit sorry last night cuz I know almost everyone did big efforts for everything to be nice and perfect and I really think that any comment should be taken too seriously..I mean, we were considering what could be improved for the next training but definitely there was no reason for any serious criticism!
I would like people to reconsider their points last night cuz there was really no point for getting angry or very annoyed!
You have all done a great job people!
Look at the good comments which come from your EVS volunteers who really had a great time last week!
But just for a few days, actually for this last three days of the week week we will be in Sarajevo!!!
Yes my dears! We were supposed to go to the on-arrival training for EVS volunteers to Belgrade but, due to the Serbian demonstrations against ambassies and public places because of Kosovo's declaration of independence, SALTO, which coordinates this programme in the Balkans, moved it to Sarajevo.
I was very happy when Madara informed us we got an email about that! Although I was really looking forward for going to Belgrade I am definitely eager for the on-arrival t. to be in Sarajevo as it was in the list of my top destinations in the Balkans.
So now we must finish our job with the smoking research, as we left it aside because of the CMS, and then we will be ready to go!!!
I thought Sarajevo was nearer to Osijek, but I was wrong..we will spend almost 7 hours on the train to reach the heart of BiH. But never mind..we are three funny girls, full of ideas to entertain ourselves..ihihi!! For instance we found out a way to have big belly laughes!!
Well, I feel quite embarassed to talk about that..but..I really do think it's an interesting and incisive example to let people understand how nice is to share daily moments with foreign peers! and how useful it is!!
It started during the CMS, actually during our "siesta" after lunch..we usually laid on Danijela's bed (as I have already told you..;-) and as we didn't have enough time to sleep we just had a rest..and how horrible is to lay down, doing nothing and being aware that you cannot fall asleep because in 15-30 minutes you have to go?! very much! but the "Charlie's Angels" of Osijek (sometimes we use this stupid nickname for us!) knew how to enjoy that time: speaking to each other in our own mother tongue!!
Believe me people that it's really funny! We spoke with the right intonation and even if we coudn't understand each other (cuz, of course, we don't know Latvian, German and Italian at the same time!) it seemed we were talking properly!! and sometimes we could catch some words and understand what we were talking about..
By the way, we really burst into a big big laugh and when Damjan came in the room he really wanted to know "what we ate for lunch" cuz we were having so much fun!!
Hence..I am not worried for 7 hours on the train with my dear housemates-colleagues-adventures fellows!!!
Ok, let's turn to something more serious..
Last night we had a meeting with Danijela, Damjan and all the people who participated to the CMS from the CnC. Danijela wanted each of us to say what he/she would change and improve both on a personal level and on a group level.
I thought it was an interesting and useful idea cuz assessing an experience, as soon as it's done, helps anyone to find mistakes and avoid them next time!
The meeting went fine all in all, even though I think that some people took too seriously some advice or suggestions others gave them..
I personally think that the seminar has gone really really fine, I have no doubt in giving a totally positive evaluation of that so I also think it was wrong to concentrate ourselves on the negative aspects.
Why am I saying that? Well, mainly because it's true that it's useful to analyze the faults but as soon as people lose the main point, or the main aim, of the analysis it's better to suspend the discussions.
I was a bit sorry last night cuz I know almost everyone did big efforts for everything to be nice and perfect and I really think that any comment should be taken too seriously..I mean, we were considering what could be improved for the next training but definitely there was no reason for any serious criticism!
I would like people to reconsider their points last night cuz there was really no point for getting angry or very annoyed!
You have all done a great job people!
Look at the good comments which come from your EVS volunteers who really had a great time last week!
martedì 26 febbraio 2008
The CMS experience
Fifth week.
The CMS is over. The time has literally flown away.
I feel like I have been in a blender..I really got so many informations last week that I need to put all of them in order, find a "folder" in my head where I will save them forever..
ok just kidding my dears! Of course I won't keep them only in my mind!!! (I bet somebody had already thought something like: "great idea Fede!") well, for those of them who do not rely on my memory I ensure them I have written a lot on my block-notes not worry!!!
First: comments.
I could actually write out the evaluation we found in the CMS's folder, so that I will be quick and clear!
First impression of this training: really positive, astounding! Why? It's easy to say.. It's been something totally new for me and I have been very impressed as regards the activities, the people who participated and how the whole seminar has been organized. Everything very well-groomed in every single detail.
I knew what the non-formal education was but through this training I have experienced it in person! it was amazing to see how quick you can assimilate new tips when you are involved in a project!
Then people! I didn't imagine I found such nice and friendly people. I guess it depends on the fact that most of them had already been to some trainings like this so they knew how to socialize so easily and fastly, or simply because they work in this field! Well, what really surprised me was how friendly and open they were and also very sensitive to all the participants. That's why in fact we got closer to each other very quickly and after only 2 days I felt like I knew some of them for years!
The CMS has started Wednesday evening and that was the first chance for the participants to get to know something about each other by playing a game based on a sort of questionnaire. I think it has been really useful cuz we just got to know very basic information on our "colleagus" such as "who likes chinese food, who can speak French, who has been in another continent and so on". The best one was: "who was born in March?", somebody might wonder what is wrong or special with this question and actually he would be right..but for nobody was born in March and people went mad going around the room asking to everybody if he/she was born in March!!! and sometimes asking if they were really sure of being born in another month!!!!! it's been very funny!
Then during the next days we have attended some conferences from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (Croatia), from the Croatian Youth Network and another one from the National Agency for Youth in Austria.
I liked them, in particular the one with the National Agency from Austria as they gave us some interesting news and tips about the YouthNet Programme and how to get info about or get in contact with other NGOs.
But the part of the seminar I loved has been the one of working on a project! After the "brainstorming" and after we put out some ideas for future projects we really had the chance to try to write down that.
I personally joined the project thought by Jelena, a girl from Sarajevo, whom I really got close to.
I liked her project as it's about media (radio, tv and internet) and specifically on how media can influence youngsters. I have been immediately caught by her idea as it's near to one of the courses I would have attended in Italy if I enrolled University for the Master degree this year.

To be more precise the main aim of the project is to give youth workers and youth leaders some knowledge about how to create and work with media so that they can spread in the local communities what they will learn form this training. All in all, the main point is to help people to be critical when they listen to, watch or read something because unluckily we are very bad informed at the present days.
I am very proud of our work at the training because, even though my knowledge about this things is very little, I gave my contribution and I saw that people who have worked with me appreciated it a lot. Moreover it has been a great, huge, amazing opportunity to learn something very useful for my future and also to come into touch with very "on the ball" people! lots of them were younger then me but..believe me: much more expert and mature! I really do think it has been very useful from a human point of you too for myself.
But the CMS has not been only work!! even though it was such a"tour de force" as we (Magdalena, Madara and I and the boys and the girls from the CnC) had to get up at 7 o'clock approximately to be at the hotel at 9 (at the latest!!!!), we had fun and rest too!
Actually, the staff (Danijela, Damjan and all of us from the CnC) had a huge room in the hotel, a sort of apartment, where we could put our stuff and have a rest during the breaks..and after lunch Magdalena and I really enjoyed Danijela's bed in the apartment..more than once!!! :-P Thank you very much Danijela for your open heart! (she couldn't move us actually!! I don't want to think about how many Kg are the two of us together!!)
And then the fun! We had great time when we went to Ruža, a typical restaurant in Tvrđa where they cook traditional Croatian food. We had already been there the first sunday I was here and I had been very happy with the meal so..I was definitely enthusiastic to go there again! And once again we ate lots of delicious things! Then we move to Bastion for "digesting" our dinner!
Fun n.2 was the last night at the hotel, Sunday night.
First we have been awarded by Danijela who gave us the certificates attesting our participation at the training and then..we danced and had karaoke and it was really really funny, everybody sang something and we had a great time together!
In conclusion this CMS has been a beautiful experience! stressing and demanding somehow but really useful for a person like me who have always heard about "projects for youth", "exchanges", "NGOs", and so on and so on, but who had never had the chance before now to live them!
The CMS is over. The time has literally flown away.
I feel like I have been in a blender..I really got so many informations last week that I need to put all of them in order, find a "folder" in my head where I will save them forever..
ok just kidding my dears! Of course I won't keep them only in my mind!!! (I bet somebody had already thought something like: "great idea Fede!") well, for those of them who do not rely on my memory I ensure them I have written a lot on my block-notes not worry!!!
First: comments.
I could actually write out the evaluation we found in the CMS's folder, so that I will be quick and clear!
First impression of this training: really positive, astounding! Why? It's easy to say.. It's been something totally new for me and I have been very impressed as regards the activities, the people who participated and how the whole seminar has been organized. Everything very well-groomed in every single detail.
I knew what the non-formal education was but through this training I have experienced it in person! it was amazing to see how quick you can assimilate new tips when you are involved in a project!
Then people! I didn't imagine I found such nice and friendly people. I guess it depends on the fact that most of them had already been to some trainings like this so they knew how to socialize so easily and fastly, or simply because they work in this field! Well, what really surprised me was how friendly and open they were and also very sensitive to all the participants. That's why in fact we got closer to each other very quickly and after only 2 days I felt like I knew some of them for years!
The CMS has started Wednesday evening and that was the first chance for the participants to get to know something about each other by playing a game based on a sort of questionnaire. I think it has been really useful cuz we just got to know very basic information on our "colleagus" such as "who likes chinese food, who can speak French, who has been in another continent and so on". The best one was: "who was born in March?", somebody might wonder what is wrong or special with this question and actually he would be right..but for nobody was born in March and people went mad going around the room asking to everybody if he/she was born in March!!! and sometimes asking if they were really sure of being born in another month!!!!! it's been very funny!
Then during the next days we have attended some conferences from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (Croatia), from the Croatian Youth Network and another one from the National Agency for Youth in Austria.
I liked them, in particular the one with the National Agency from Austria as they gave us some interesting news and tips about the YouthNet Programme and how to get info about or get in contact with other NGOs.
But the part of the seminar I loved has been the one of working on a project! After the "brainstorming" and after we put out some ideas for future projects we really had the chance to try to write down that.
I personally joined the project thought by Jelena, a girl from Sarajevo, whom I really got close to.
I liked her project as it's about media (radio, tv and internet) and specifically on how media can influence youngsters. I have been immediately caught by her idea as it's near to one of the courses I would have attended in Italy if I enrolled University for the Master degree this year.
To be more precise the main aim of the project is to give youth workers and youth leaders some knowledge about how to create and work with media so that they can spread in the local communities what they will learn form this training. All in all, the main point is to help people to be critical when they listen to, watch or read something because unluckily we are very bad informed at the present days.
I am very proud of our work at the training because, even though my knowledge about this things is very little, I gave my contribution and I saw that people who have worked with me appreciated it a lot. Moreover it has been a great, huge, amazing opportunity to learn something very useful for my future and also to come into touch with very "on the ball" people! lots of them were younger then me but..believe me: much more expert and mature! I really do think it has been very useful from a human point of you too for myself.
Actually, the staff (Danijela, Damjan and all of us from the CnC) had a huge room in the hotel, a sort of apartment, where we could put our stuff and have a rest during the breaks..and after lunch Magdalena and I really enjoyed Danijela's bed in the apartment..more than once!!! :-P Thank you very much Danijela for your open heart! (she couldn't move us actually!! I don't want to think about how many Kg are the two of us together!!)
And then the fun! We had great time when we went to Ruža, a typical restaurant in Tvrđa where they cook traditional Croatian food. We had already been there the first sunday I was here and I had been very happy with the meal so..I was definitely enthusiastic to go there again! And once again we ate lots of delicious things! Then we move to Bastion for "digesting" our dinner!
Fun n.2 was the last night at the hotel, Sunday night.
First we have been awarded by Danijela who gave us the certificates attesting our participation at the training and then..we danced and had karaoke and it was really really funny, everybody sang something and we had a great time together!
In conclusion this CMS has been a beautiful experience! stressing and demanding somehow but really useful for a person like me who have always heard about "projects for youth", "exchanges", "NGOs", and so on and so on, but who had never had the chance before now to live them!
martedì 19 febbraio 2008
waiting for the CMS!!
Fourth week:
we are all almost ready to start our new experience! Actually it's not totally new for everybody but for some of us it is! I am talking about the CMS which will begin tomorrow evening with some interesting activities to let the participants get to know each other..
We have talked a lot about how the seminar will go through, in order to be helpful and ensure that everyone could participate in the best way it's possible!
Yesterday we had even two meetings. One with our mentor Danijela and one with our coordinator Damjan. In the former we had been taught about almost each activity of the CMS, it has been really helpful as I can definitely say I have a clear idea about what my role will be in the very next days, which is the main aim of it, and so on..and even if we know( as Danijela highlighted this aspect more than once!!) we will have very busy and stressful days (in a positive sense of course!) I feel very happy and excited!!
In the latter meeting we talked about another important topic..our EVS! After almost a month here in Osijek we are drawing the first conclusions I would say..and I am very glad to inform you people that from both sides, us as volunteers and them as hosting organization, are very satisfied about the work we are doing here, about the people we have met, how we get along among each other and how much we are looking forward for the next challenges!!
It's such an important thing to find a comfortable environment at work, not only abroad but even when you are in your own country as you feel you can speak honestly to the people whom you are working with and whom you are spending the most of the time with.
Damjan also asked us for what we would like to deepen, so for instance I would like to broaden my knowledge about political and cultural aspects of Croatia and in general of the Balkans because of my studies.
I have studied Politics and International Relations in Padova and I have always been very interested in the Balkans because of its past, its varied culture, so I am trying to be en expert (little by little!) of this beautiful peninsula! Magdalena, on the opposite, expressed her wish for doing more practical activities such as the dogs-asy one; finally Madara talked about her main interests too.
So everything seems to be perfect for now and when I think about just a couple of months ago, when I was informed I could come to Osijek and I tried to imagine how it would be, I still cannot believe that it's going on so fine!!!! Sometimes I guess there will be somehow the other side of the coin cuz I really feel everything fits and this world is not heaven so nothing is perfect..but for the moment I just want to be positive and keep on getting all the good things this EVS is giving me!
But let's turn to the weeekend!! I cannot skip the Austrian National Evening of course!
Friday night was Magdalena's nig
ht as she presented her country and let us taste some of Austrian dishes!
It has been another interesting and very pleasant night together, like the past ones. Her friends were there too so it was a proper Austrian party as they also played the violin and guitar while singing some traditional funny songs! I say funny only cuz I've known the rhythm since I was a child as we have something similar in Veneto and Trentino Alto-Adige so it was really nice to hear them!
Well, I must add another good story! I know some of you will appreciate that! ;-)
While the party was having place, a boy who works for an internet portal which is a sort of blog about Osijek and in particular for youth in this city (I am not sure I am saying right about it so I'll leave you the link for checking: came for interviewing the three of us.. Of course, I found the reason to be nervous that night too!!! He wanted us to answer some questions about how Croatia is known and seen in our three countries, what people think about Croatians and stuff like that, and as I had to be recorded I felt really in a state (namely agitated)!!!! So I stressed for a while Damjan and Danijela, who were actually looking forward for me to being jumping all around the Youth Center (of course because of my anxiety!) and moving my hands faster and faster!! (As you know, gesticulate is tipically Italian, but when I am very nervous I do it in a faster and funnier way). How did it go? Very very well! I liked talking to him, I found the conversation we had very interesting cuz I explained to him lots of things about what the main idea which Italians have about the Balkans is and specifically about Croatia, then we compared our views and feelings so I really enjoyed the interview! Hence, once again: why do I have to stress myself before I know how something is indeed??? I would punch myself!
Anyway..this is me..I keep on trusting that I will make myself better by getting older (what a ridiculous hope!!!!) ;-)
But let's go back to the you know Magdalena's friends stayed at us until Monday afternoon so we spent the weekend with them. I really had a great time with them, they reminded me to my Italian friends as they were very extroverted and loud!!! I love people who are good-fellowship and that is what we had! Even though we were too many for fitting in our flat, we did not have any kind of problem (also the toilet survived, although in these last days it has been very very very busy!!! ahahah!!!).
In conclusion it's something we can handle (for a few days plain-spoken!!!) so......Italian friends??? I am waiting for you visiting your dear friend Federica!!!!! :-D
we are all almost ready to start our new experience! Actually it's not totally new for everybody but for some of us it is! I am talking about the CMS which will begin tomorrow evening with some interesting activities to let the participants get to know each other..
We have talked a lot about how the seminar will go through, in order to be helpful and ensure that everyone could participate in the best way it's possible!
Yesterday we had even two meetings. One with our mentor Danijela and one with our coordinator Damjan. In the former we had been taught about almost each activity of the CMS, it has been really helpful as I can definitely say I have a clear idea about what my role will be in the very next days, which is the main aim of it, and so on..and even if we know( as Danijela highlighted this aspect more than once!!) we will have very busy and stressful days (in a positive sense of course!) I feel very happy and excited!!
In the latter meeting we talked about another important topic..our EVS! After almost a month here in Osijek we are drawing the first conclusions I would say..and I am very glad to inform you people that from both sides, us as volunteers and them as hosting organization, are very satisfied about the work we are doing here, about the people we have met, how we get along among each other and how much we are looking forward for the next challenges!!
It's such an important thing to find a comfortable environment at work, not only abroad but even when you are in your own country as you feel you can speak honestly to the people whom you are working with and whom you are spending the most of the time with.
Damjan also asked us for what we would like to deepen, so for instance I would like to broaden my knowledge about political and cultural aspects of Croatia and in general of the Balkans because of my studies.
I have studied Politics and International Relations in Padova and I have always been very interested in the Balkans because of its past, its varied culture, so I am trying to be en expert (little by little!) of this beautiful peninsula! Magdalena, on the opposite, expressed her wish for doing more practical activities such as the dogs-asy one; finally Madara talked about her main interests too.
So everything seems to be perfect for now and when I think about just a couple of months ago, when I was informed I could come to Osijek and I tried to imagine how it would be, I still cannot believe that it's going on so fine!!!! Sometimes I guess there will be somehow the other side of the coin cuz I really feel everything fits and this world is not heaven so nothing is perfect..but for the moment I just want to be positive and keep on getting all the good things this EVS is giving me!
But let's turn to the weeekend!! I cannot skip the Austrian National Evening of course!
Friday night was Magdalena's nig
It has been another interesting and very pleasant night together, like the past ones. Her friends were there too so it was a proper Austrian party as they also played the violin and guitar while singing some traditional funny songs! I say funny only cuz I've known the rhythm since I was a child as we have something similar in Veneto and Trentino Alto-Adige so it was really nice to hear them!
Well, I must add another good story! I know some of you will appreciate that! ;-)
While the party was having place, a boy who works for an internet portal which is a sort of blog about Osijek and in particular for youth in this city (I am not sure I am saying right about it so I'll leave you the link for checking: came for interviewing the three of us.. Of course, I found the reason to be nervous that night too!!! He wanted us to answer some questions about how Croatia is known and seen in our three countries, what people think about Croatians and stuff like that, and as I had to be recorded I felt really in a state (namely agitated)!!!! So I stressed for a while Damjan and Danijela, who were actually looking forward for me to being jumping all around the Youth Center (of course because of my anxiety!) and moving my hands faster and faster!! (As you know, gesticulate is tipically Italian, but when I am very nervous I do it in a faster and funnier way). How did it go? Very very well! I liked talking to him, I found the conversation we had very interesting cuz I explained to him lots of things about what the main idea which Italians have about the Balkans is and specifically about Croatia, then we compared our views and feelings so I really enjoyed the interview! Hence, once again: why do I have to stress myself before I know how something is indeed??? I would punch myself!
Anyway..this is me..I keep on trusting that I will make myself better by getting older (what a ridiculous hope!!!!) ;-)
But let's go back to the you know Magdalena's friends stayed at us until Monday afternoon so we spent the weekend with them. I really had a great time with them, they reminded me to my Italian friends as they were very extroverted and loud!!! I love people who are good-fellowship and that is what we had! Even though we were too many for fitting in our flat, we did not have any kind of problem (also the toilet survived, although in these last days it has been very very very busy!!! ahahah!!!).
In conclusion it's something we can handle (for a few days plain-spoken!!!) so......Italian friends??? I am waiting for you visiting your dear friend Federica!!!!! :-D
venerdì 15 febbraio 2008
Austrian invasion and..smoking research
Last night, after the three of us had a huge big pizza feed, Magdalena's friends arrived from Austria and I really feel like in the soap opera "Family Matters" as we are 8 people now at home (in Italy it's translated "8 sotto un tetto" - 8 under the same roof -, that's why this situation reminds me to that series tv!).
They have brought with them so many food-stuff!! really, we were totally surprised abouth the quantity of food and drinks they have given us for our hospitality!! I guess we will survive until our next EVS!!! :-P
And..and..I couldn't belive..they gave Madara and I two personal presents..Madara got two long chocolate sticks (as she loves chocolate!) and I got a bottle of Aperol!!!! ok ok, hold on people!! I am not an alcohol-lover, you need an explanation now! the point is that everytime I go abroad I would like people to taste the traditional aperitif of the regiong where I come from (Veneto), which is made out of white wine, carbonated water and Aperol. But, whenever I cross the border nobody knows what Aperol is and there's no chance at all to find it in the supermarket..that happened last year in England too..
Actually I have been speaking about "spritz" (this is the aperitif's name) since I arrived, I guess!!! I wanted to prepare it for my Italian National Evening too but, as I have already said, no way for finding Aperol out! So, can you imagine my face last night when they put a bottle of Aperol in my hands??!!! look at the picture we took!
So now I will be able to let my house-mates try this great drink at least!
In Italy we usually have it before dinner..people go to the centre of our cities in Veneto (such as Padova, Treviso, Verona, Mestre..although you can now find it in other regions of Italy..but the best are in Veneto where it was originally born!) and match a glass of spritz with some chips, salted peanuts and sometimes other kind of salty food such as small pieces of pizza, cold cut and bread an so on!
Hence you can have a talk with some friends during the week (after a stressful day at work) while sipping spritz in one of our medieval squares, or during the weekends before you start your Friday or Saturday night!
Ok, I know, I shouldn't have been so specific..I think you are willing to try it now..;-)
The first night altogether has gone really fine, maybe we were all very tired, but everything seems ok right now. People were sleeping in Magdalena's room, me and two friends of her in my room; Madara, Magdalena and her boyfriend in Madara's room and other two people on the couch in the kitchen..well, somebody may think we are living in a sort of manor house or in a huge modern flat but..those who are having these thoughts are completely wrong!!! our small house is perfect for the three of us..for 4 people would be great too but not for 8 people!!! and we are sharing one toilet and one bath!! but never mind! I am really glad they are here!! it's funny to experience this kind of situations!!! you really get close to those persons, although you don't know them because you are sharing everything! I love to get to know new people and first of all if they are from other countries as they always have something new to teach me and if this is the "price" to pay, I mean leaving for a few days like in a refugee camp, I definitely agree!
Actually I am used to that as I had the chance to do other experiences where lots of people shared small spaces and one toilet!!! when I went to Bosnia, we were 30 people leaving (=sleeping+eating+playing activities+so on) in one room and sharing one toilet (I let you imagine what was the toilet's destiny after only the second day we were there..well I hope this won't happen again at home now..!!!). But we had a great fun and we felt like brothers and sisters after only a few days!
And I was so glad for Magdalena last night, when she saw them on the other side of the road she went running to them! I can understand perfectly her feelings as it happened to me too. It's so good when you hug someone whom you really love and are close to after lots of time! You feel like a huge wave of emotions as soon as you see that/those person/s for the first time after some weeks or months..and it's such a nice climate!
Now it's time to go back to work..bring to a conclusion our research on smoking!! Yes, Federica! it's time to make some comparisons between Italian and Croatian smokers!!
Actually yesterday I was checking the questionnaires and I found out some interesting differences concerning the average of age or amount of money people usually spend for cigarettes in both countries..Croatian people seems to start smoking earlier than Italians and also the former spend more than the latter..I guess it's a matter of rules. I really do believe the smoking ban, Italy put into force in January 2005, has been very useful. Now your hair and clothes don't smell when you come back home from a pub, restaurant or a club and the air inside is good, you don't feel breathless.
Although I am an occasional smoker, I don't like breathing others' smoke and I don't like smoking inside.
So all in all I think Croatia should comply with this ban. It has been useful for Italy and other countries in order to reduce cigarettes' consumption.
Even if the smokers' number is still high, it's getting smaller among youngsters, this means we are getting a positive response. Moreover the law makes people aware to be more respectful of non-smokers, children, people with health problems and so on. It might sound obvious but it's not. If once I thought that non-smokers had to move if someone wanted to lighten a cigarette up because everywhere you could smoke and feeling this way "I am a non-smoker, I cannot ask for the smoker to move because it's not polite and I do not want to bother him/her"; now people know that if you are a smoker you have to be respectful of a non-smoker and understand how much he/she hates smoking.
In conclusion I am happy with the smoking ban and I hope other countries will soon follow this ban in public places.
And conclusion n.2...I must resume the research!!!!!!!!
giovedì 14 febbraio 2008
Today I am quite excited..I know there are some interesting events coming on!
First of all next week's CMS! last night we finished arranging the last has gone fine. Finally I understood all those little aspects which were still blur some days ago.
We talked about the Treasure Hunt, how to manage it, who is going to lead the 4 groups of participants and so on! Now I cannot wait to see how everything will be!
Second, yesterday we got an email from SALTO in Ljubiljana and we got another news! we are not going to Slovenija for our On-Arrival Training Belgrade! when I came back from the Youth Center for lunch yesterday, I informed my dear house-mates and they got excited as well as I did when I first read the email!
We have never been to Serbia so we are really happy to have this chance! Moreover, I was told that Belgrade is a very nice and lively city, full of youth! So we are very looking forward to going there in two weeks more or less!
And third..we are waiting for Magdalena's friends who are arriving here in Osijek tonight! We have already planned where they will sleep and what to cook!
So this weekend, but also the next two weeks, are going to be very very busy..and crowded!!
Today I am quite excited..I know there are some interesting events coming on!
First of all next week's CMS! last night we finished arranging the last has gone fine. Finally I understood all those little aspects which were still blur some days ago.
We talked about the Treasure Hunt, how to manage it, who is going to lead the 4 groups of participants and so on! Now I cannot wait to see how everything will be!
Second, yesterday we got an email from SALTO in Ljubiljana and we got another news! we are not going to Slovenija for our On-Arrival Training Belgrade! when I came back from the Youth Center for lunch yesterday, I informed my dear house-mates and they got excited as well as I did when I first read the email!
We have never been to Serbia so we are really happy to have this chance! Moreover, I was told that Belgrade is a very nice and lively city, full of youth! So we are very looking forward to going there in two weeks more or less!
And third..we are waiting for Magdalena's friends who are arriving here in Osijek tonight! We have already planned where they will sleep and what to cook!
So this weekend, but also the next two weeks, are going to be very very busy..and crowded!!
mercoledì 13 febbraio 2008
Wednesday: I had a very nice and quiet morning, I think we deserved it after we stayed until 22.30 last night at the Youth Center.
We had a meeting on the Contact Making Seminar which is due next week from 20th to 25th.
At first we thought it was only a clarification about the activities we will play, but after half an hour we realized that there still were quite a lot of little things to arrange and decide.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to participate to the discussion as I didn't understand a lot about what they wanted to do..there will be a sort of Treasure Hunt and a visit of the city, or maybe it's the same thing..the treasure hunt is a funny way to discover the city..well..I will see tonight as we will have another meeting to finish what we weren't able to bring to an end last night!
I am a bit worried for the CMS as I hope to be able to interact properly with the people who are coming..what I am saying is that sometimes I feel like I cannot be completely involved because I don't know enough about the activities, maybe because I missed something or because my English is not as good as others'. But I am really looking forward for this new experience and I really hope to get the most of it and to get to know new friends.
I was thinking about making new friendships when you are abroad some days ago (of course for enough time to build something deeper than a summer acquaintance) and I was thinking about my past experiences in other countries..I really do think to be very lucky.
I had the chance to go to lots of places and to spend some months of my life in other countries like England, Spain and now Croatia. So I had the chance to get to know many many people, boys and girls from other countries, and somebody may agree that I have been so lucky. But I was also considering that you may meet hundreds of people but a few of them only will be really important for the rest of your life..
I like reflecting on these aspects of my life because it makes me realise how unpredictable life can be, sometimes in a really wonderful way..
For example I have been 9 months in England and I can affirm that those persons who are still in my mind and heart are only 5 out of all the people I met. Maybe it might appear a bit frustrating as someone may think that almost a year should be enough time to build a strong relationship with most of them, but actually it doesn't work like this..
But there's something more important to add: those who I am still in contact with are real friends, people with whom I have built something really strong and I am sure, because I feel it, that I have a deeper and stronger link with them than with friends I have known since I was born!
On the opposite, there's the other side of the coin! maybe people pop into your life just for a few weeks or even days and you get along so well with him/her that although you didn't have enough time to get to know each other so deeply you feel he/she is really a good friend, a person who can understand you completely or nearly completely! and you cannot give yourself an answer to that but you just feel great! you are so eager!
I don't know what this experience will offer me..I am very curious about it cuz I know how good you feel when you perfectly match with somebody whom you would have never expected!
At present I will try to enjoy every single day and encounter..even the briefest or the least meaningful cuz..who knows?! maybe behind that there's another true friend!
We had a meeting on the Contact Making Seminar which is due next week from 20th to 25th.
At first we thought it was only a clarification about the activities we will play, but after half an hour we realized that there still were quite a lot of little things to arrange and decide.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to participate to the discussion as I didn't understand a lot about what they wanted to do..there will be a sort of Treasure Hunt and a visit of the city, or maybe it's the same thing..the treasure hunt is a funny way to discover the city..well..I will see tonight as we will have another meeting to finish what we weren't able to bring to an end last night!
I am a bit worried for the CMS as I hope to be able to interact properly with the people who are coming..what I am saying is that sometimes I feel like I cannot be completely involved because I don't know enough about the activities, maybe because I missed something or because my English is not as good as others'. But I am really looking forward for this new experience and I really hope to get the most of it and to get to know new friends.
I was thinking about making new friendships when you are abroad some days ago (of course for enough time to build something deeper than a summer acquaintance) and I was thinking about my past experiences in other countries..I really do think to be very lucky.
I had the chance to go to lots of places and to spend some months of my life in other countries like England, Spain and now Croatia. So I had the chance to get to know many many people, boys and girls from other countries, and somebody may agree that I have been so lucky. But I was also considering that you may meet hundreds of people but a few of them only will be really important for the rest of your life..
I like reflecting on these aspects of my life because it makes me realise how unpredictable life can be, sometimes in a really wonderful way..
For example I have been 9 months in England and I can affirm that those persons who are still in my mind and heart are only 5 out of all the people I met. Maybe it might appear a bit frustrating as someone may think that almost a year should be enough time to build a strong relationship with most of them, but actually it doesn't work like this..
But there's something more important to add: those who I am still in contact with are real friends, people with whom I have built something really strong and I am sure, because I feel it, that I have a deeper and stronger link with them than with friends I have known since I was born!
On the opposite, there's the other side of the coin! maybe people pop into your life just for a few weeks or even days and you get along so well with him/her that although you didn't have enough time to get to know each other so deeply you feel he/she is really a good friend, a person who can understand you completely or nearly completely! and you cannot give yourself an answer to that but you just feel great! you are so eager!
I don't know what this experience will offer me..I am very curious about it cuz I know how good you feel when you perfectly match with somebody whom you would have never expected!
At present I will try to enjoy every single day and encounter..even the briefest or the least meaningful cuz..who knows?! maybe behind that there's another true friend!
martedì 12 febbraio 2008
Here we are! back from Tvrđa..and really glad about how our survey has gone!
I was quite unsure about the outcomes this morning as I was worried for the cold weather and for stopping people around, but I must admit that it wasn't so bad!
On the opposite I enjoyed this experience! We were able to catch even 10 people in the main square and then very easily we found out other 25 people going towards Tvrđa and up there too.
Actually I was surprised cuz of the shyness of the majority of the people we stopped. It seemed to me that they were quite embarassed of speaking to us and fulfilling the questionnaires we gave them..I thought it would have been a nice chance to get to know new people but on the contrary both boys and girls have been reserved..only a small group of young boys talked to us more, asking about this research and about us, where we are from and so soon as I told them I was from Italy they started saying "oh Italija, mafia, spaghetti.."..I do not care about that of course but..I don't like when in other countries people cite "mafia"!!! There are so many good things to remember about Italy..why do they talk about that?! and.."mafia" is not actually only in Italy!!! Why isn't the Russian or Chinese mafia mentioned as often as the Italian one? sometimes I g
uess people watched too much tv and American movies about gangsters in New York..
by the way..they have been nice with us so I don't want to complain too much! I also took a picture of them and, as I promised, I will add it here. They tried to have our email or msn addresses but..too easy guys! I said them to check the CnC's website where they will be able to reach our eh..;-)
Then back home where we have found our lovely Magdalena, grappled with a very good smelling and (first of all!!) hot soup for her two dear house-mates, been out for about 2 hours at 6 degrees!!! I would have said they were less than 3 "Italian meas
urement" maybe is not the most reliable one!!!!
So, all in all, this experience has been once again a good and funny one! Next time I really hope the temperature will be more lenient so I will enjoy being outside as much as doing our research!
I was quite unsure about the outcomes this morning as I was worried for the cold weather and for stopping people around, but I must admit that it wasn't so bad!
On the opposite I enjoyed this experience! We were able to catch even 10 people in the main square and then very easily we found out other 25 people going towards Tvrđa and up there too.
Actually I was surprised cuz of the shyness of the majority of the people we stopped. It seemed to me that they were quite embarassed of speaking to us and fulfilling the questionnaires we gave them..I thought it would have been a nice chance to get to know new people but on the contrary both boys and girls have been reserved..only a small group of young boys talked to us more, asking about this research and about us, where we are from and so soon as I told them I was from Italy they started saying "oh Italija, mafia, spaghetti.."..I do not care about that of course but..I don't like when in other countries people cite "mafia"!!! There are so many good things to remember about Italy..why do they talk about that?! and.."mafia" is not actually only in Italy!!! Why isn't the Russian or Chinese mafia mentioned as often as the Italian one? sometimes I g
by the way..they have been nice with us so I don't want to complain too much! I also took a picture of them and, as I promised, I will add it here. They tried to have our email or msn addresses but..too easy guys! I said them to check the CnC's website where they will be able to reach our eh..;-)
Then back home where we have found our lovely Magdalena, grappled with a very good smelling and (first of all!!) hot soup for her two dear house-mates, been out for about 2 hours at 6 degrees!!! I would have said they were less than 3 "Italian meas
So, all in all, this experience has been once again a good and funny one! Next time I really hope the temperature will be more lenient so I will enjoy being outside as much as doing our research!
Not in the mood
Today is the "Tvrđa day"! it means that in about 15 minutes I will go to Tvrđa, in the old part of Osijek catching youngsters with Madara for our smoking research..actually I am not really looking forward to walking around the's cold and I would prefer to sit here with a hot cup of tea in my hands..but I know we have to go today, we have tried to wait for a nicer and warmer day but the weather doesn't want to be helpful with us, it doen't really like us I would say..but never mind! I took my hat and my gloves this time with me, so I hope not to freeze like on Sunday morning..
Sometimes when I hear from my friends and my family that in Italy they are having very warm and sunny days, I feel angry..uff!!!!! I want sun and warm here too!!!!! I thought to find the snow, so the cold could have been acceptable, but no snow and this bloody freezing air..grrrrrrr!!!
I am asleep today..I have slept like a baby for almost 8 hours last night (as soon as I put my head down on the pillow I just fell asleep! what a miracle!) so I should be very relaxed and full of energy but..ehm..I do not look like this, at all!!! maybe I am still trying to digest Madara's delicious meat-balls and souce..
We ate them last night, back from the Youth Center. What a far out dinner for me and Magdalena! Actually, I am not used to that kind of food, well, I mean the souce in paticular and I really had too much of it last night..shame on me! :-P
And as my bloody stomach doesn't work properly (it's like an old man's one...) later on I always have problems if I don't pay attention on what I devour!!! :-(
So this morning I am paying my dues..feeling a bit sick and sleepmissing..
The time is going by..other a few minutes and we will be on the streets..
I hope we will find lots and lots of people, quickly and easily! Magdalena wishes us good luck! Thank you my dear..
Sometimes when I hear from my friends and my family that in Italy they are having very warm and sunny days, I feel angry..uff!!!!! I want sun and warm here too!!!!! I thought to find the snow, so the cold could have been acceptable, but no snow and this bloody freezing air..grrrrrrr!!!
I am asleep today..I have slept like a baby for almost 8 hours last night (as soon as I put my head down on the pillow I just fell asleep! what a miracle!) so I should be very relaxed and full of energy but..ehm..I do not look like this, at all!!! maybe I am still trying to digest Madara's delicious meat-balls and souce..
We ate them last night, back from the Youth Center. What a far out dinner for me and Magdalena! Actually, I am not used to that kind of food, well, I mean the souce in paticular and I really had too much of it last night..shame on me! :-P
And as my bloody stomach doesn't work properly (it's like an old man's one...) later on I always have problems if I don't pay attention on what I devour!!! :-(
So this morning I am paying my dues..feeling a bit sick and sleepmissing..
The time is going by..other a few minutes and we will be on the streets..
I hope we will find lots and lots of people, quickly and easily! Magdalena wishes us good luck! Thank you my dear..
lunedì 11 febbraio 2008
Italian and Croatian National Evening
Third week in Osijek has just started and another weekend has already gone..I would say a really busy but rewarding weekend!
Actually Friday arrived and I had to present my country at the Italian National Evening at the club..I had been quite nervous the all week long. It's been first of all a matter of character and second cuz it was my first presentation.. and of course the first time is always the most worrying!!!
But everything has gone really fine! People liked the presentation, I showed them lots of pictures of Italy, about Rome, about mountains and seaside, also an interesting one about Etna's eruption. I think they appreciated it. And I was really happy when I launched the funny video about the differences between Italy and other European c
ountries because they laughed a lot and I felt really happy to make them so amused!
Then I let them taste what I had cooked, namely eggs with tuna, mayonese and capers filling, pasta (they were "penne rigate"!! as I showed them plenty of kinds of pasta!) with black and green olives, tuna (in the blue bowl) and cherry-tomatoes.
And finally the "salame di cioccolato" cake. I think it's one of the best thing someone can eat in this world!!! it's a chocolate salami with biscuits and nuts inside! We usually make it for children parties but I have never found yet adults refusing a slice of it!!!
In conclusion we spent a great time together! I really should thank lots of people. First of all my colleagues, Magdalena and Madara who helped me serving the people
at the Youth Center, Damjan for his patience, telling me a lot and a lot of times to be calm! and of course to the boys and the girls all for being so nice that night! So thank you everybody!!!!
I went to bed definitely worn-out that night..but really glad for myself and the support I got!
But the weekend had just started and on Saturday we kept on celebrating ours countries with the Croatian National Evening!
Another beautiful night together, getting to know interesting aspects of the country. I think it's really a brilliant idea to present our countries in this way. You can learn some interesting tips you co
uldn't get to know at school or by rea
ding a book, as it's always better to be taught by natives!
Of course there was food..and Rakija!!! A very very very strong alcoholic drink, traditionally producted in Croatia but, not simply in Croatia!!! Actually it was made by Ivan's granfather! Look how proud he was! ;-)
I just had one shot of Rakija and it has been enough for me!!! my stomach was going to burn and I needed to go on eating something else..what a pity!!! ahaah!! of course it was an excuse!!! I really liked the bread, the black and white rolled cake and the croissants Marko's mum had made..
guys, I will really get fat if I keep on eating this way!!! and next Friday there will be Magdlena's night..and her friends are coming on thursday, bringing with them lots of food-stuff for us!!! help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-P
Then Sunday came..someone may guess we have been in bed the all day long..but wrong guys! We are very iperactive girls!!! Magdalena went (as usual now) to the dogs and Madara and I went to a huge open-air market for searching bicycles.. actually not by our own but kindly escorted by Ivan! poor boy..he went to bed at 4 in the morning and then woke up at 8 o'clock for us! thank you, thank you! :-D
So at 9 we were almost all outside, in the freezing wind of Sunday cold it has been for me! you really cannot imagine! I was going to die! and the funny thing was that Ivan and Madara were not feeling so much cold! so I didn't want to complain too much..:-(
We spent a couple of hours there, there were too many things, but old one too and I was really impressed by such a market! never seen something like that! there were pets, cars, clothes, tools for repairing anything..and much more!
Then on the way back I suggested to stop for a coffee or a tea..I wanted to return Ivan's favour to us!!!! and they agreed I guess they were feeling cold too!!!!
The rest of the day was quiet. We watched some tv, ate the ham and cheese-cake I cooked on Saturday afternoon and then (as I was not satisfied with the cold I got in the morning!!) I went out for a walk along Drava! How much I lik
e Drava! I have been out for an hour, looking around, leaving my eyes free to range around.
And I also saw the fireworks coming back! I was crossing the bridge, I was on my way back and it had already got dark when I saw a nice green fountain in the sky..
So I stopped there for a while.. The wind was getting sharper and sharper but I was really relaxed in that moment: at the highest point of the bridge, with a cigarette in my hand, sorrounded by the dark and the lights from the city, in front of the big river Drava, watching those warm red, green, yellow drawings in the blu of the night...carried by my thoughts and emotions..
Actually Friday arrived and I had to present my country at the Italian National Evening at the club..I had been quite nervous the all week long. It's been first of all a matter of character and second cuz it was my first presentation.. and of course the first time is always the most worrying!!!
But everything has gone really fine! People liked the presentation, I showed them lots of pictures of Italy, about Rome, about mountains and seaside, also an interesting one about Etna's eruption. I think they appreciated it. And I was really happy when I launched the funny video about the differences between Italy and other European c
Then I let them taste what I had cooked, namely eggs with tuna, mayonese and capers filling, pasta (they were "penne rigate"!! as I showed them plenty of kinds of pasta!) with black and green olives, tuna (in the blue bowl) and cherry-tomatoes.
And finally the "salame di cioccolato" cake. I think it's one of the best thing someone can eat in this world!!! it's a chocolate salami with biscuits and nuts inside! We usually make it for children parties but I have never found yet adults refusing a slice of it!!!
In conclusion we spent a great time together! I really should thank lots of people. First of all my colleagues, Magdalena and Madara who helped me serving the people
I went to bed definitely worn-out that night..but really glad for myself and the support I got!
But the weekend had just started and on Saturday we kept on celebrating ours countries with the Croatian National Evening!
Another beautiful night together, getting to know interesting aspects of the country. I think it's really a brilliant idea to present our countries in this way. You can learn some interesting tips you co
Of course there was food..and Rakija!!! A very very very strong alcoholic drink, traditionally producted in Croatia but, not simply in Croatia!!! Actually it was made by Ivan's granfather! Look how proud he was! ;-)
I just had one shot of Rakija and it has been enough for me!!! my stomach was going to burn and I needed to go on eating something else..what a pity!!! ahaah!! of course it was an excuse!!! I really liked the bread, the black and white rolled cake and the croissants Marko's mum had made..
guys, I will really get fat if I keep on eating this way!!! and next Friday there will be Magdlena's night..and her friends are coming on thursday, bringing with them lots of food-stuff for us!!! help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-P
Then Sunday came..someone may guess we have been in bed the all day long..but wrong guys! We are very iperactive girls!!! Magdalena went (as usual now) to the dogs and Madara and I went to a huge open-air market for searching bicycles.. actually not by our own but kindly escorted by Ivan! poor boy..he went to bed at 4 in the morning and then woke up at 8 o'clock for us! thank you, thank you! :-D
So at 9 we were almost all outside, in the freezing wind of Sunday cold it has been for me! you really cannot imagine! I was going to die! and the funny thing was that Ivan and Madara were not feeling so much cold! so I didn't want to complain too much..:-(
We spent a couple of hours there, there were too many things, but old one too and I was really impressed by such a market! never seen something like that! there were pets, cars, clothes, tools for repairing anything..and much more!
Then on the way back I suggested to stop for a coffee or a tea..I wanted to return Ivan's favour to us!!!! and they agreed I guess they were feeling cold too!!!!
The rest of the day was quiet. We watched some tv, ate the ham and cheese-cake I cooked on Saturday afternoon and then (as I was not satisfied with the cold I got in the morning!!) I went out for a walk along Drava! How much I lik
And I also saw the fireworks coming back! I was crossing the bridge, I was on my way back and it had already got dark when I saw a nice green fountain in the sky..
So I stopped there for a while.. The wind was getting sharper and sharper but I was really relaxed in that moment: at the highest point of the bridge, with a cigarette in my hand, sorrounded by the dark and the lights from the city, in front of the big river Drava, watching those warm red, green, yellow drawings in the blu of the night...carried by my thoughts and emotions..
giovedì 7 febbraio 2008
Despite the weather, today is definitely a good day! I feel better and happy as the things are going like I wanted them to be!
I guess this sounds quite the way..I AM HAPPY!!!
This morning I've been to the supermarket with Damjan and Magdalena to buy the food stuff I need fot tomorrow night..I bought a lot and as soon as I was back home I started making the cake I want people to taste at the Italian National Evening!
I am almost happy with that..actually I do not make it very often that's why I guess there might be some problems in cutting it..mmm..let's wait for tomorrow and just leave it alone for now!
Other interesting things..well! Our next planning!!!
I'm so excited about thinking we are having 5 days of Contact Meeting Seminar here in Osijek, from 20 to 25 this month and..another super event! The On-Arrival Meeting in Ljubljana next month, from 3 to 8 March! I cannot wait for that, really! I love going around, meeting new people, making new contacts! sississi!!! :-D it's time to go back to my presentation..I will check it again..does it sound strange?! ihihih!!!
I guess this sounds quite the way..I AM HAPPY!!!
This morning I've been to the supermarket with Damjan and Magdalena to buy the food stuff I need fot tomorrow night..I bought a lot and as soon as I was back home I started making the cake I want people to taste at the Italian National Evening!
I am almost happy with that..actually I do not make it very often that's why I guess there might be some problems in cutting it..mmm..let's wait for tomorrow and just leave it alone for now!
Other interesting things..well! Our next planning!!!
I'm so excited about thinking we are having 5 days of Contact Meeting Seminar here in Osijek, from 20 to 25 this month and..another super event! The On-Arrival Meeting in Ljubljana next month, from 3 to 8 March! I cannot wait for that, really! I love going around, meeting new people, making new contacts! sississi!!! :-D it's time to go back to my presentation..I will check it again..does it sound strange?! ihihih!!!
mercoledì 6 febbraio 2008
After the weekend and the first busy busy days of my second week in Osijek, it's time to come back and add something to my adventure story!
Actually I should update my blog with thousands of events.
Let's try to handle it!
First: Friday Evening or Madara's evening, as she presented her country: Latvia.
I really enjoyed the night as she showed us her brilliant presentation, talking about Latvia's history and giving us some hints on Latvians' attitude towards Russians..quite funny hints, like latvian favourite play consisting in shooting Russians with a shot only..or something like that!!
Then we also tried some delicious food stuff, which I really appreciated...Madara? If you feel bored at home you may know what to!!!
Then the weekend was great! I went swimming with my dear house-mates and Prada, one of the guy from the Youth Club. We swam first and then we had a really relaxing half an and a half..well a lot of time in the warm water. Actually it was piping hot! but there were bubbles too so really really relaxing!
Than I thought to invigorate and toughen my body going straight to the cold outcome? I think it's easy to catch..I got an annoying cold! well done Federica! but never mind, I'm used to it..last year I got it at the beginning of October, then I took it with me, caring and loving it, until May..grrrrr!
By the way..Saturday night we have been once again to Bastion! I guess some of my Italian friends really like it! and once again we had fun with some of our super new friends!
I really appreciate how much they care about us, as being abroad is usually difficult at the beginning cuz you don't know exactly where to go to and where to spend the night at and you often feel homesick..but not here! definitely!
Then Sunday we thought to go out for lunch, after Magdalena had been at the dog-asy. And the choice was..a Pizzeria! Great choice guys and I can really affirm I promoted the pizza I ate! ;-)
Coming back, although ours stomaches couldn't afford something else, Magdalena and I were strongly tempted by some cakes from a shop's window so..we stopped and she kindly bought three of them to have a break we are with those delicious creamy cakes!!!
Finally let's come to the beginning of the week and now "the pains start" (it's the very translation of an italian way of saying..meaning that this part of the story won't be so funny!)
Actually I was very concerned with my Italian presentation due next Friday..and I got panic! I think I made my friends go mad too..sorry about that..
It's my bloody character! I am very nervous person and the human personification of anxiety..:-P
But now everyt
hing has been sort out..I feel more serene..almost ready for my first public PP presentation!
Today I also went for a walk along Drava river during my lunch's amazing! it's huge! I am not use to such a river in my city! And it's the right place to go running! I am undoubtedly glad about that cuz I like running and the landscape on the opposite side of the city is very relaxing! hope to be able to go sooooooooon!!!
Actually I should update my blog with thousands of events.
Let's try to handle it!
First: Friday Evening or Madara's evening, as she presented her country: Latvia.
I really enjoyed the night as she showed us her brilliant presentation, talking about Latvia's history and giving us some hints on Latvians' attitude towards Russians..quite funny hints, like latvian favourite play consisting in shooting Russians with a shot only..or something like that!!
Then the weekend was great! I went swimming with my dear house-mates and Prada, one of the guy from the Youth Club. We swam first and then we had a really relaxing half an and a half..well a lot of time in the warm water. Actually it was piping hot! but there were bubbles too so really really relaxing!
Than I thought to invigorate and toughen my body going straight to the cold outcome? I think it's easy to catch..I got an annoying cold! well done Federica! but never mind, I'm used to it..last year I got it at the beginning of October, then I took it with me, caring and loving it, until May..grrrrr!
By the way..Saturday night we have been once again to Bastion! I guess some of my Italian friends really like it! and once again we had fun with some of our super new friends!
I really appreciate how much they care about us, as being abroad is usually difficult at the beginning cuz you don't know exactly where to go to and where to spend the night at and you often feel homesick..but not here! definitely!
Then Sunday we thought to go out for lunch, after Magdalena had been at the dog-asy. And the choice was..a Pizzeria! Great choice guys and I can really affirm I promoted the pizza I ate! ;-)
Coming back, although ours stomaches couldn't afford something else, Magdalena and I were strongly tempted by some cakes from a shop's window so..we stopped and she kindly bought three of them to have a break
Finally let's come to the beginning of the week and now "the pains start" (it's the very translation of an italian way of saying..meaning that this part of the story won't be so funny!)
Actually I was very concerned with my Italian presentation due next Friday..and I got panic! I think I made my friends go mad too..sorry about that..
It's my bloody character! I am very nervous person and the human personification of anxiety..:-P
But now everyt
Today I also went for a walk along Drava river during my lunch's amazing! it's huge! I am not use to such a river in my city! And it's the right place to go running! I am undoubtedly glad about that cuz I like running and the landscape on the opposite side of the city is very relaxing! hope to be able to go sooooooooon!!!
venerdì 1 febbraio 2008
first night out
It's almost a week that I have been here and last night my house-mates and I, with some guys from the Youth Center, went out together! It has been a great night really! Hvala lijepa prijatelji :-D
But let's tell how yesterday has passed..
after we cleaned almost the whole house we went to Cnc for working..for trying to fix what we had written for the project we will send right today to Brussels!
Then I started searching something interesting to say next week for the Italian national evening..I have some nice ideas, but they are basically related to food..(cough cough!) somebody might be wondering why!!! :-P yes, I know I should avoid speaking only about pasta and pizza but..they are so delicious!! how cannot I talk about that?!! and I think people will agree!! by the way I am thinking about something else, related to italian history of course and..well..I am not saying anything else..I don't want people to know too much! ;-)
After that, Damjan had a great idea, a really smart one! He was quite hungry and he suggested to buy some burek! it was totally new for us! he bought some with meat and some with cheese!
Actually we had thought to eat it all but, guys, it's really heavy! we weren't able to finish it all and after half of that we looked at each others like that: "if we stand up right now, we are going to start rolling on the floor!!"
but what a yummy break it was!
I think I liked the meat-burek much more..and Magdalena and Madara too I guess!
Have a look at our "little and healthy" snack!! ;-)
So we have stayed over at the Club until night. We watched a movie, "Pulp Fiction" and went out. Actually I was really looking forward to watching it as I have been hearing positive comments about it for years but..I did not understand it very much..I think it was a matter of language..well, as you know guys, my English is not as good as someone else's here so, it might be due to this reason..I did not catch every speech they had..poor me! :-(
Never mind, I think this experience will surely help me to improve my linguistic skills!

But let's move to the night! I wanna show you some pictures we took at Pivnica and Bastion!!!
We went to the former to have a beer..(well someone had only one beer, others had more than one!!).
I really liked Pivnica as it looked very typical, with traditional music too, maybe not really traditional but absolutely croatian!
Finally we finished our amazing night at Bastion!! we had a great
dance together!
I think everybody needed to let their body loose so dancing has been the right choice!
So..let's wait for our next dance!
But let's tell how yesterday has passed..
after we cleaned almost the whole house we went to Cnc for working..for trying to fix what we had written for the project we will send right today to Brussels!
Then I started searching something interesting to say next week for the Italian national evening..I have some nice ideas, but they are basically related to food..(cough cough!) somebody might be wondering why!!! :-P yes, I know I should avoid speaking only about pasta and pizza but..they are so delicious!! how cannot I talk about that?!! and I think people will agree!! by the way I am thinking about something else, related to italian history of course and..well..I am not saying anything else..I don't want people to know too much! ;-)
After that, Damjan had a great idea, a really smart one! He was quite hungry and he suggested to buy some burek! it was totally new for us! he bought some with meat and some with cheese!
Actually we had thought to eat it all but, guys, it's really heavy! we weren't able to finish it all and after half of that we looked at each others like that: "if we stand up right now, we are going to start rolling on the floor!!"
but what a yummy break it was!
I think I liked the meat-burek much more..and Magdalena and Madara too I guess!
So we have stayed over at the Club until night. We watched a movie, "Pulp Fiction" and went out. Actually I was really looking forward to watching it as I have been hearing positive comments about it for years but..I did not understand it very much..I think it was a matter of language..well, as you know guys, my English is not as good as someone else's here so, it might be due to this reason..I did not catch every speech they had..poor me! :-(
Never mind, I think this experience will surely help me to improve my linguistic skills!
But let's move to the night! I wanna show you some pictures we took at Pivnica and Bastion!!!
We went to the former to have a beer..(well someone had only one beer, others had more than one!!).
I really liked Pivnica as it looked very typical, with traditional music too, maybe not really traditional but absolutely croatian!
Finally we finished our amazing night at Bastion!! we had a great
I think everybody needed to let their body loose so dancing has been the right choice!
So..let's wait for our next dance!
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