Actually I should update my blog with thousands of events.
Let's try to handle it!
First: Friday Evening or Madara's evening, as she presented her country: Latvia.
I really enjoyed the night as she showed us her brilliant presentation, talking about Latvia's history and giving us some hints on Latvians' attitude towards Russians..quite funny hints, like latvian favourite play consisting in shooting Russians with a shot only..or something like that!!
Then the weekend was great! I went swimming with my dear house-mates and Prada, one of the guy from the Youth Club. We swam first and then we had a really relaxing half an and a half..well a lot of time in the warm water. Actually it was piping hot! but there were bubbles too so really really relaxing!
Than I thought to invigorate and toughen my body going straight to the cold outcome? I think it's easy to catch..I got an annoying cold! well done Federica! but never mind, I'm used to it..last year I got it at the beginning of October, then I took it with me, caring and loving it, until May..grrrrr!
By the way..Saturday night we have been once again to Bastion! I guess some of my Italian friends really like it! and once again we had fun with some of our super new friends!
I really appreciate how much they care about us, as being abroad is usually difficult at the beginning cuz you don't know exactly where to go to and where to spend the night at and you often feel homesick..but not here! definitely!
Then Sunday we thought to go out for lunch, after Magdalena had been at the dog-asy. And the choice was..a Pizzeria! Great choice guys and I can really affirm I promoted the pizza I ate! ;-)
Coming back, although ours stomaches couldn't afford something else, Magdalena and I were strongly tempted by some cakes from a shop's window so..we stopped and she kindly bought three of them to have a break
Finally let's come to the beginning of the week and now "the pains start" (it's the very translation of an italian way of saying..meaning that this part of the story won't be so funny!)
Actually I was very concerned with my Italian presentation due next Friday..and I got panic! I think I made my friends go mad too..sorry about that..
It's my bloody character! I am very nervous person and the human personification of anxiety..:-P
But now everyt
Today I also went for a walk along Drava river during my lunch's amazing! it's huge! I am not use to such a river in my city! And it's the right place to go running! I am undoubtedly glad about that cuz I like running and the landscape on the opposite side of the city is very relaxing! hope to be able to go sooooooooon!!!
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