I went to Padova to visit my family and my friends last week and I came back on Tuesday. I stayed at home only five days but I felt like I have never been there as soon as I was here in Osijek again..strange feelings..
I think it's due to the fact that I was in Padova during holidays..so many people around, lots of things to do, so the time has gone really quickly and I didn't realize that! But on the other side I had the chance to spend some time with my parents and my brother, whom I really miss now..and some of my dearest friends! Of course I had a great time...but I was happy to come back here too, as I feel my home now is here as I have something to do here and not in Padova! it's quite strange but I felt like going on holiday to my real home! :-)
I left on Wednesday afternoon from Osijek to be in Zagreb in the evening and take the night train for Venice. I was a little bit worried cuz I was going to travel on my own the whole night, form 23.30 to 7 in the morning of the next day..I don't know why I felt worried..I am usually not chicken for these kind of adventures, I usually walk around in my city in the evening on my own even though it's quite well known it's not the best thing a girl could do, as we have a lot of problems with criminals and lawbreakers, and I also travelled a lot by myself to other countries even in the night, sleeping at the airports and so on..anyway I guess it was cuz I talked with wrong people..actually my parents!!! of course parents are always more worried than "normal" people!!!
Anyhow, the travel was great! I had the chance first to relax for a couple of hours in Zagreb with Matija, a boy we met at CMS, as he took me to a nice pub where we had a very interesting talk about my very near future..namely what I would like to do after EVS is over..
then I took the train and luckily there were only a few people, I found a nice sit and I tried to sleep..of course I couldn't for plenty of reasons! first of all sometimes I cannot sleep even in my bed..let's say sleep has never been one of my best friend; second at first it was quite cold, but I had a blanket with me so it was no problem! but at 3 am the temperature went up to, I guess, 30 degrees, and everybody on the train was going to melt! but that was I good chance to get to know some people!! you know, when people are in the same bad conditions, or they find each other in the same difficult situation, they try to help each other..in Italian we say: "union makes strenght"..ok it's literally translated but I think you can understand what I mean!!!
So all in all, even though I didn't sleep a lot (only one hour and a half out of seven by travelling!) I enjoyed that!
On the way back the travel was defenitely more relaxing.. as my parents went with me by car and they also spend two days here! I really appreciated it, I was so happy they were able to see what I am doing, where I am living, who my new friends are and so on! and I saw they were happy too, although they looked quite sad this morning when we said goodbye..don't woory my dear "old boys", I will be back!
We had a great time in Osijek! I took them to Tvrđa and Drava..my dad really loved Drava like I do! he took a lot and a lot of pictures!! he behaved like a child who is enthusiastic to see something for the first time! but nothing new for me! I knew he has a child-heart!
and they ha also the chance to go to Valpovo and meet again my friends Ivan and Nenad and this time even Nenad's family!!!
it was really amazing! we youngsters were speaking in English and translating for our parents! I cannot explain how funny it was!! Nenad's parents couldn't speak English while my parents could a little bit..I was trying to speak Croatian too with Nenad's mum and dad so a very funny atmosphere came up! But the most interesting thing was when our two dads wetn watvhing football match together.. even though we were not there translating for them they were able to communicate while talking their mother tongue..ahahah!! really great!
I really want to thank my parents cuz I know they had fun but I also understand this crazy mix of cultures is demanding somehow when you are not used to that! so..thank you for taking me to Osijek and sharing with me something of this beautiful experience I am having at this time of my life!
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