Here Friday came..and another week has almost come to an end..
Yesterday has been a very busy day! I prepared the folders for the Conference for every participant. I put in the Conference's programme, one Coventry's map, some leaflets about MoE, the list and description of restaurants where we are going to have our dinners at, and so on!
Actually I am very happy with those folders as they look really really nice! Sanil had a brilliant idea, he suggested to me to print a cover for each folder so that every participant has their personal folder, with their names on the top!
The cover looks very sexy (another funny word which is very common here in England..or maybe only at MoE!!) as there is the Conference's logo on the top in the middle, then on the left side the logos of the partner organizations with MoE and finally, at the bottom of the paper, a box with the part

icipant's name and Education and Culture's Agency and YiA logos!
I think I will upload a picture of it later, so everything will be clear enough!
Moreover, at 2.30 pm I had an appointment at the Corporate Training Centre at Elm Bank, Coventry of course, where MoE made a reservation for a room where we will have our Conference. Jarek asked me to go and check the place and talk with the organizer so I went.
It was very interesting!! The place looked really good; our room is quite small, but we are not a lot of people so it will be perfect! The tables are very big so everybody will be very comfortable for sure and there is also a huge and modern projector.
Then the lady in charge of arranging the room and the meals, Nancy, took me to the restaurant where our guests will have their breakfast in the morning and where everybody will have lunch. Again it seemed to me very nice and cosy!
I really liked to go there, it was very interesting, Nancy was very helpful and kind and I felt like I had some responsibilities in that (although I told her that it's Jarek the one who will have the last word about the placement for tables and chairs!).
On the way back from Elm Bank, I stopped in the city centre as I wanted to check out if I could find a little present for a couple of friends but unfortunately there was nothing interesting and worth to buy..:-(
So I came back to MoE office and I finish what I missed. All in all I went back home around 7.30 pm but just for an hour as at 8.30 we had planned to go to the cinema to watch the preview of Indiana Jones!
Honestly that kind of movies is not my favourite, even though I like adventure and action movies, cuz they are more likely science fiction sometimes.

As I expected Indiana Jones was full of special effects, people were fighting all the times and nobody got hit or wounded almost never!! But I really enjoyed the time at the cinema anyhow!
We were five of us: Sanil, Mark, Cyprian, Max and I. We bought something to eat (something I don't usually do in Italy, but whenever I am abroad I easily get used to the most typical habits of the country where I am or of the pepole whom I am staying with!!!) and took a comfortable sit and then enjoyed Professor Jones' new adventure!
Moving to today..I am very sad!!!!! Max will leave tomorrow morning..actually I could say tonight as he is taking the bus for Heathrow Airport at 3.30 am..
He is leaving to go back for a couple of months to Poland as he is working on his final dissertation for PhD and he has some work in Poland..
I feel really sad cuz I love "working" with him! I put the word working in quotation marks as we have not been really working together in these weeks as I was helping Jarek and he was doing his own job, but, what I was meaning is that it was nice to be working in the same place! having him around, talking also some Italian sometimes!!!
So it's not a very good day today..:-(
Anyway I must last the weekend and then finally Andrijana and Jarek will arrive, the Conference will take place and I am sure I will have once again a good time! ;-) post today isn't done yet cuz..cuz..there's another amazing news!!!!
Soon after the end of the Conference I am leaving for Lithuania for a few days!!! I am very excited!! I was really looking forward to going and visiting Baltic countries and I didn't expect I would have had the chance right at the end of my voluntary experience here in Coventry!
Finally back from Lithuania I will fly to Italy hoping that Croatia will send me good news in the meantime.. ;-)