Today is Bank Holiday Monday so..I shouldn' be here, in the office but..I have to check something, like the right time when the first participants at the Conference are supposed to arrive in Coventry today!
So here I am to report my last weekend in Coventry (for the moment!!!).
On Friday night we had a small party to say goodbye to Max..we had a BBQ in Asha House's garden! Actually it is not a proper garden as there is no grass, but I am sure that in the
future it could turn in a nice garden!
The BBQ was also not a real BBQ as we didn't have all the necessary but we tried just the same and, as long as it took too much time for the meat to be ready we started cooking in the oven and on the cook too!! All in all everything was really tasting so we had a good dinner!
Then we went out for a drink but at 1am we were already back as Max was leaving at 3.30am..
So on Saturday I was alone, I had a quiet day, doing some house-works.
I had relaxing time as I knew the day after I was going to London..the whole day! And for me, being around in a busy city like London is quite stressful..
I got up at 7 o'clock to catch the bus at 8.15, the weather was awful, really horrible, very rainy but not like usual for England, it was literally pouring!!
So I was very upset as I was thinking what to do around London on my own like that!
Actually I had planned to meet one of my best friends I got to know last year while I was Erasmus student in Reading but when I saw the weather I was not sure anymore he came!!!
Luckily as soon as I arrived at Victoria bus station it got better and better and finally, after some misundersta
nding about the place where Emanuele and I were supposed to meet, I foud him out!!!
We spent a really nice day together! We had not been meeting for almost a year as we came back from England in June 2007 and then, when he came to Padova to visit another Erasmus friend of ours in November I was in Budapest..:-(
We had a lot to talk about! Of course we have been updating each other in these months, but when you have the chance to meet somebody and talk face to face, it's easy to tell the whole story again, more detailed and with some funny story! :-P
Now I am waiting for Andrijana and Jarek to come to Coventry..and tomorrow the conference will start!!!
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