Probably the impression somebody may have reading the first sentence is that I am quite happy to leave..well, those who have had this feeling are not totally wrong!
But let's start from the beginning..of course not the very beginning, come on!! I have been writing a lot in my blog I think! :-P
In this last week we have prepared a photo exibition with 99 pictures we have taken in all those places we have been in these 6 months! so everybody can have an idea of this experience..
At first Osijek, the first days, getting to know the city, the Youth Center and the people; then our first activities for Cnc, researches and CMS; Sarajevo, Stip..
then the big break due to resident permit's issue which didn't come alone but with lots of other little friends..called proble
But, as everybody has seen, we didn't lose our strength, we got other ideas in order to be productive while waiting for going back to Osijek!
So we have pictures from TC in Albania, Macedonia, other activities in Austria, UK, Ukraine, Lithuania, Italy!!
I really think it's very nice to watch at all those pictures hanging in the billiard room in Cnc!
We pasted each of them on grey sheets and then each sheet bound to the next one with rope.
Finally we have done a nice PP presentation on whole our EVS which we are showing tonight at our good-bye party at Cnc.
So, as I said at the beginning, there's a reason why I feel I am quite happy to leave..and the reason is very simple. I think we have done our job here, there's nothing else at the moment we can do, just let the people think and improve for next times.
The same for us..these 6 months have been amazing! I think I cannot definitely compared them with any other experience I had until now, and likely I will have in the future.
So it's time also for us to reflect on them (even though I have already been talking on how lucky we have been as the bad luck brought us in beautiful places, let us working to different projects and get to know some special..but very special persons!).
So..should I answer now to the title of my blog?!! Probably not there is still something left here and cuz I think it's worth to let some time go by before giving the final and personal opinion.
Anyway I can say I am happy with this experience (which does not mean I fulfilled my expectations about my EVS and my staying in Croatia..)
I got to know Madara and Magdalena who I have been always feeling close to, even though we were far away from each other for some time.
I am sure we will keep in touch, as all our adventures bound us even more than if we spent 6 months only in Osijek. And I also hope we will be able to fulfill our "personal project"..which is actually starting on Sunday..when we will leave altogether in order to visit Austria!!!
Which country will be the next?!! ;-)
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